
Geoflex Highlighted in the Global Directory of Autonomy

‘The Global Directory of Autonomy’ maps the key OEMs and entrepreneurs involved in the creation of highly automated transport and personal mobility solutions. Over 40 pages, it features 400 organisations, which are, like Geoflex, involved in the development of autonomous driving on a global scale.

The directory is the joint effort of Smart Mobility Living Lab London, TRL’s urban mobility test bed based in London, and April Six, a specialist mobility marketing agency with more than 37 years of experience in automotive and mobility.

Geoflex is highlighted in the section dedicated to Navigation companies.

In its first edition, ‘The Global Directory of Autonomy’ provides a snapshot of the autonomous technology market and provides a launch point for researchers to take a deeper dive into the sector and create their own view of the sector for example by technology type, by country, by technology readiness, by market capitalisation values, by collaborations or any other perspective.

You can download the Directory here.

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